Webinar “Implementing ESG: How Being Sustainable Benefits Companies”
Hari, Tanggal:
Jumat, 8 Juli 2022

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) is an important and integral part of modern businesses around the world. It helps firms navigate environmental and social risks while maintaining their integrity and accountability. ESG implementation helps firms demonstrate their positive impacts for the society which eventually create their long-term economic values. The webinar is intended to build awareness of the importance of ESG, and serve as a learning opportunity on how to implement it.
Masniaritta Pohan
Independent expert in SDG & ESG Center for Risk Management and Sustainability (CRMS)
Avicenna Fikri
Community & Counseling Lead PT. Ruang Raya Indonesia
Gema Khusnul Fitrika
Corporate Energy and GHG Department Head Adaro Energy Indonesia
Hari, Tanggal: Jumat, 7 Juli 2022
Waktu: 09.00 – 11.30 WIB
Tempat: Online – Via Zoom
Link registrasi: bit.ly/trc-2022
+62 811 22 333 075